Apply to Volunteer!

Thurston County Food Bank

All new, returning, and current volunteers must complete this online volunteer application, one time. Please be sure to fill in all required fields, marked with an *, and have an adult parent/guardian sign the Terms & Conditions if you are under 18 years old. Thank you!!

What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Primary Phone (for example: 123-456-7890) *
Street Address or PO Box *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Date of Birth (Note: date of birth is collected to identify minors and for no other purpose.) *

A valid date as MM/DD/YYYY (for example: 11/30/2015)
Emergency Contact Name/Relationship (for example, John Doe / father; enter 911 if this applies to your situation): *
Emergency Contact Phone (for example, 123-456-7890; enter 911 if this applies to your situation) *
For your safety in case of emergency, are there any health conditions, allergies, or medications that a medic should be made aware of?
I hereby give permission to the Thurston County Food Bank to use my name & photographic likeness in forms/media for advertising, trade, & any lawful purposes. (Volunteers under age 18 need Photo Permission Form signed by parent/legal guardian.) *
Do you need to complete community service hours? *
If yes, community service hours are for:
How many hours of community service?
By what date? (TCFB may not be able to accommodate your community service deadline.)
If court-ordered:
For Court-ordered Community Service, you are responsible for providing your court-ordered community service documents to Thurston County Food Bank staff before starting your community service. These documents will be reviewed with our staff. TCFB reserves the right to deny individuals who are not appropriate volunteers in our setting based on criminal history or other factors.

TCFB does not accept volunteer applications from persons with history of crimes against other people.
If court-ordered, name of court or diversion program:
If volunteering as an INDIVIDUAL, please select the category that best describes you as a volunteer:
If volunteering as a GROUP, please identify the type of group you are bringing to volunteer with you:
Group Name:
Group Name, if not in list above:
Care to tell us more about your skills and availability?
I can work at (check all that apply):

Skills/Training/Limitations (check all that apply):

These activities interest me (check all that apply)

Length of volunteer availability

I am interested in occasional weekend special events:
Other notes about your availability and/or abilities:
I would like to receive the quarterly Food Bank newsletter in:
Note about volunteer shifts:
You may volunteer at any of the three Thurston County Food Bank locations. To give staff time to prepare for volunteers, please do not show up more than fifteen minutes before your shift. Please sign up for your shift(s) on our website...

Olympia’s Food Pantry: 220 Thurston Ave. NE, Olympia, WA
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday (closed every 3rd Monday)
- Morning Shift: 7:45am- noon
- Afternoon Shift: 11:45am-4pm

Tumwater Warehouse: 2260 Mottman Rd. SW, Tumwater, WA
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
- Morning Shift: 9am-noon
- Afternoon Shift: 1pm-4pm
*Group Opportunities (5 or more people, by appointment): Mondays and Fridays

Lacey’s Food Pantry: 7027 Martin Way E. Lacey, WA
- Tuesday, Thursday
- Morning Shift: 9am-12:30pm
- Afternoon Shift: 12pm - 3pm
- Second Wednesday of the month, Evening shift: 3pm - 7pm

Lacey Farm Stand: 7027 Martin Way E. Lacey, WA
- Saturdays, seasonally (July-October)
- 10:30-1:30
*Contact: Vivian Lovato, 360-352-8597 ext. 254,

Gleaning: Various local farms and gardens, contact for time and location
Kiwanis Gardens: Contact to confirm location and times
-3839 11th Ave. NW, Olympia WA 98502
-212 Maple Park Ave. SE, Olympia, WA 98501
*Contact: Mackenzie McCall, 360-584-2402,

Home Delivery Drivers:
- Pick up at 2260 Mottman Rd SW, deliver to home addresses provided upon arrival
- Tues-Fri
*Contact: Rebekah Graham, 360-352-8597 ext 106,

FORKids Drivers:
- Pick up at 2260 Mottman Rd SW, deliver to schools in Thurston County - provided upon arrival
- Tues-Fri
*Contact: Anna-Min Kellogg, 360-352-8597 ext 104,
Important notes for volunteers:
Food is not a means of compensation for work performed. You’re welcome to be a volunteer and a client at the Food Bank; we just require a separation of roles. If you wish to shop on the same day that you’re volunteering, please check in with our client services team and/or volunteer coordinator regarding policies and procedures. This applies to our downtown Olympia and Lacey locations only; food is not distributed to individuals or families from the Tumwater Warehouse.
TCFB does not accept volunteer applications from persons with history of crimes against other people.

Terms & Conditions


The following are policies and procedures covering volunteers of the Thurston County Food Bank (TCFB). These policies serve as guidance to staff from the Thurston County Food Bank Board of Directors

Volunteers are a crucial part of the food bank system. Without the help of volunteers, the food bank could not serve the large number of families it does. The TCFB staff and the Board of Directors appreciate volunteers’ many hours of service. While valued and an essential part of TCFB, volunteers are not employees and TCFB may dismiss a volunteer at any point. Violation of any section of this agreement is grounds for dismissal.


    Volunteer: Personnel who give their time and receive no remuneration or benefits. Special sub-categories of Volunteers include:

    1. Intern: Personnel who give their time as part of an academic requirement with specific learning objectives.

    2. Court-ordered Community Service (CCS) Volunteer: Personnel who give their time in order to comply with a court-ordered requirement. All CCS volunteers are required to sign in and out each day. Total completed hours will be turned in to the appropriate jurisdiction upon completion or termination of service.

    3. Community Service (CS) Volunteer: Personnel who give their time to comply with a diversion program or agency requirement. All CS volunteers are required to sign in and out each day. Total completed hours will be turned in to the appropriate program/agency representative upon completion or termination of service.


    A. Volunteer shifts for service days are typically 8:00 to noon and noon to 4:00. Please refer to our web site for up to date volunteer hours at

    B. During the hiring process, the volunteer and the Volunteer Coordinator and/or Operations Manager will develop shift schedules. Once established, if a volunteer is unable to work on a scheduled day, they may cancel their shift via or notify their Volunteer Coordinator via email or phone.

    C. Frequent absences or tardiness is unacceptable.

    D. Reasonable accommodations will be made for special needs or special circumstances.


    A. All volunteers shall work safely in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Labor & Industries.

    B. All volunteers shall report any injury to their Volunteer Coordinator or Operations Manager immediately and it is the responsibility of staff to complete an incident report form.

    C. Only the Volunteer Coordinator or Operations Manager may give authorization for volunteers to use heavy equipment such as the pallet jack, forklift, van or other machinery. Training will be required prior to authorization in most cases.

    D. Volunteers will follow all safety rules, and will not engage in activities that they feel may be harmful to their person.

    E. TCFB does not accept responsibility for personal injury when not advised of conditions that could cause harm to their person.

    F. TCFB is a Weapon Free Zone. Weapons are not permitted at any TCFB site.


    A. Volunteers may be asked to do various jobs depending on the needs of a given day. They will receive training to do these jobs from current volunteers and staff.

    B. All volunteers will be provided written copies of TCFB policies during Orientation and as policy changes occur, and are expected to be familiar with them.

    C. Each volunteer must demonstrate respect for others working with them. This includes, but is not limited to, those who may work at their own pace within their capabilities.

    D. Each volunteer has a reason that motivates them to volunteer with the TCFB. Respect the privacy of each individual and their reason for volunteering.

(If you have any specific questions or concerns about these standards, please talk to the site Volunteer Coordinator or Operations Manager.)
    A. Discretion

      1. All volunteers must exercise the utmost discretion concerning matters of official TCFB business.

      2. Volunteers shall refrain from any action and avoid any public statements that might reflect adversely upon TCFB.

      3. Volunteers will treat clients accessing food bank services with respect in accordance with the Code of Conduct, keeping in mind that we are neighbors helping neighbors.

    B. Confidentiality

      1. All clients’ personal matters are strictly confidential. Volunteers must maintain TCFB client confidentiality in accordance with Washington state law.

      2. Volunteers shall not communicate non public proprietary information, unless expressly authorized by the Executive Director.

    C. Gifts and Gratuities

      1. Volunteers, or their immediate families, may not receive for personal use items intended for operations or distribution without express permission of the Volunteer Coordinator or Operations Manager.

      2. There will be no personal use of TCFB property or vehicles without expressly granted permission by the Executive Director.

    D. Resolution Procedure for Volunteers

      1. Volunteers should discuss any interpersonal issues directly with the involved person. If no resolution can be found, the volunteer should discuss the matter with the Volunteer Coordinator, then Operations Manager, then in writing to the Executive Director.

      2. The Executive Director will respond to the written request within 15 days of the submittal date.

      3. If the issue concerns the Executive Director, the volunteer may take the unresolved issue to the Board President.

    A. A community volunteer injured on the job may be eligible for assistance and benefits as determined and provided by the State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries.

    B. For groups in which individual group members do not complete a volunteer application, proof of insurance is required before commencement of a group event or activity.


Important Notes about Volunteering During the COVID-19 Pandemic:

CDC Guidelines: Please read the CDC’s Guidelines for Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 and base your decision to volunteer on this information:…/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.html. The Thurston County Food Bank is committed to following CDC guidelines as closely as possible, with operations altered to adapt to current guidelines.

If you are sick, at risk/of compromised health, or live with someone who is vulnerable, please stay home and stay safe. We request that volunteers follow current CDC and state guidelines for self-quarantining following travel or concerns of exposure to COVID-19. During COVID-19, volunteers will choose one TCFB location only as their work site.

General Safety:

  1. All volunteers shall report on-the-job personal injury accidents and vehicle accidents to their immediate supervisor as soon as possible.

  2. Report immediately any unsafe condition or practice. Each volunteer is responsible for reporting any and all unsafe conditions, unsafe practices or defective equipment to their supervisor

  3. Obey all safety rules, signs, markings and instructions. Be familiar with those that apply directly to you. If you don’t know, ASK!

  4. If you are given instructions that you do not understand, ask questions rather than proceeding.

  5. “Horseplay”, as it is commonly referred to, is forbidden.

  6. Drinking alcoholic beverages or using illegal drugs on-the-job, or volunteering under the influence of alcohol or drugs, whether it is on the premises or in a vehicle, is forbidden.

  7. Clothing which is suitable for work is mandatory. Loose or baggy garments, which can be caught in moving machinery, are prohibited.

  8. When you find oil, water or any other liquid on the floor, it should be cleaned up immediately. The cause of the spill should be identified and repairs completed immediately. If it is beyond your control, notify your supervisor.

  9. All volunteers have a responsibility to participate in keeping the work area clean and free of accident hazards. Broken glass, pieces of wood, discarded pallets, and other unsafe debris, should be properly discarded by all volunteers.

  10. All volunteers shall keep aisles clear, refrain from stacking things on stairways, and keep the areas in front of electrical panels free of materials at all times.

  11. Do not store or temporarily place any materials so that they block fire extinguishers, automatic sprinkler valves, sprinkler heads, emergency exits, or other areas of important access.

  12. Do not operate any equipment that is not in a safe condition, and report the problem to your supervisor immediately.

  13. Safety and personal protective equipment should be used when required and maintained in safe condition.

  14. Always conduct yourself in a safe manner. For example, use ladders to reach high places. Do not stand on the top rung of any ladder.


The goal: Safety, respect and consideration for all.

Overall policy statement:
The Thurston County Food Bank (TCFB) recognizes the importance of each individual and will endeavor to ensure that every employee, visitor, volunteer, and user of the Food Bank’s services is treated with dignity and respect, that their safety is paramount, and that they have a pleasant experience at the Food Bank.

Purpose of policy:
The purpose of this policy is to convey the TCFB’s expectations regarding personal and professional interactions among all people at the Food Bank. It is the TCFB’s desire that individuals be courteous, friendly and thoughtful toward others whether providing for or using the services at the Food Bank. The board promotes a harassment free, positive and encouraging atmosphere that is safe and welcoming.

Staff and volunteer expectations:
The TCFB expects staff and volunteers to treat all users and visitors with respect and dignity. Staff and volunteers are expected to protect client, visitor and volunteer confidentiality, promote a positive working atmosphere and immediately report any and all concerns to supervisors.

Participant/clientele expectations:
Users of the TCFB are expected to treat staff, volunteers, visitors and other clients with respect and dignity. TCFB users are expected to respect confidential information, to be considerate of others while accessing TCFB services and report any problems or concerns to the operations manager.

Discharge and Denial of Services:
TCFB may discharge staff or volunteers or deny entry or use to anyone creating or threatening to create a disruption of TCFB operations. Individuals may be similarly denied for disclosing confidential information, threatening or inappropriate behavior, or remarks/actions toward another person. Individuals who do not conduct themselves in a safe and appropriate manner will be removed and denied re-admittance.

Reporting concerns or problems:
Every person associated with the TCFB has the right to feel welcome and respected; to be treated fairly, safely and with respect; and to be held accountable to the expectations outlined in this policy. Anyone with concerns, problems or apprehension should, after attempting to resolve the problem at the lowest level, report such issues to their immediate supervisor or the Executive Director. The management of the TCFB has an open door policy to discuss issues or problems that arise with any employee or volunteer.

Appeal rights and process:
Staff and volunteers, who have been discharged, reprimanded or accused of inappropriate behavior, may appeal such determination through the TCFB’s grievance procedure.


Thurston County Food Bank (TCFB) welcomes all members of our community, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, indigenous heritage, language, national origin, citizenship, religion, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental health status including substance use disorder, marital status, parental status, housing status, employment status, income, political beliefs, lifestyle choices, dietary choices, appearance, personal hygiene, etc.

TCFB deeply appreciates its volunteers, who are indispensable to our shared mission of eliminating hunger in our community. We invite and welcome community members of all walks of life to our volunteer team. We know that each volunteer who works at TCFB does so with the purpose of helping those in need, in a way that demonstrates respect and dignity. Because misunderstandings can arise despite the very best of intentions on all sides, we ask our volunteers to uphold the following principles in their interactions with others at TCFB.

We believe that…

Everyone deserves access to food that meets their dietary needs. TCFB strives to consistently offer equal access to food in the spirit of abundance. While working here, please trust those accessing our services to know best what they need.

Everyone deserves respect. Please practice awareness of your biases and refrain from expressing biases while in this space. Please refrain from making generalizations about any group of people, such as those of a particular ethnicity, gender expression, or those who struggle with substance use.

Everyone deserves dignity. While working here, please honor how individuals express their identity, including gender identity, and refrain from making assumptions about how someone would like to be addressed. Please refrain from the use of diminutives like “sweetie”, “honey” or “buddy”.

Everyone deserves control of their personal space. Please refrain from touching anyone or their personal effects, including a shopping cart while someone is using it, without their explicit consent.

Everyone deserves freedom from harassment. Please refrain from making comments of a sexual nature. Please refrain from commenting on someone’s appearance.

Everyone deserves the assumption of good intent. Those who access our services experience a complex range of life circumstances. Regardless of someone’s behavior, please refrain from assuming ill intent.

Our customer service goal is to build mutual trust with each person who accesses our services, in the spirit of neighbor helping neighbor. Thank you for your help in making this as inclusive a space as we can, working together.